1) 12 min AMRAP:
AMRAP “Cindy” for 8 min:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats….
from min 8-12 AMRAP burpee muscle-up’s.
Score = Total Reps for Part A & Part B
12 min AMRAP:
AMRAP “Cindy” for 8 min:
5 Pull-ups (Assisted) or Ring Rows
10 Push-ups
15 Squats….
from min 8-12 AMRAP burpee Pull-up’s & Dips (complete 3 burpees/3 pull-up’s or ring rows/3 dips or seated dips)
Score = Total Reps for Part A & Part B (divide part B by 3)
2) Time to complete:
5 legless rope climbs (Scaling – 30 Rope Pull-up’s/Rope Rows)
30 Pistols (alternating L & R) Assisted Pistols / Lunges
30 GHD Raises (Scaling – Superman Raises)
* You can break this up in any manner (i.e. there is no set structure to the rep order)
Score = Time
Time to complete:
30 Rope Pull-up’s/Rope Rows)
30 Assisted Pistols / Partial Pistols / Lunges
30 Superman Raises
* You can break this up in any manner (i.e. there is no set structure to the rep order)
Score = Time
3) With the remaining time practice HS holds/HS at the wall/HS with an elastic jacket/Headstands/Tripod
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – It’s just under a month to the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games. 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games female demo team athletes are Talayna Fortunato, Christy (Phillips) Adkins & Jenn Smith (Image & facts courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)