Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


1) EMOM for 12 min:

Min 1 – 3: 4 Snatch (60% 1RM) 

Min 4 – 6: 3 Snatch (75% 1RM)

Min 7 – 9: 2 Snatch (85% 1RM)

Min 10 – 12: 1 Snatch (90-95% 1RM)


Score = Load




2) Complete 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following for time:

Power Clean (80kg/48kg or 65% 1RM)

Push Jerk (80kg/48kg or 65% 1RM)


TC = 20 min


Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – Good luck to all the EL riders doing the Roof of Africa this weekend, especially CFEL members Matthew van Niekerk and Simon Warne (front rider in picture) currently competing in the Silver Class.