
1) Complete 3 rounds of the following for time (I.e. 18 min):

  • 1 min AMRAP Burpees
  • 1 min AMRAP Thrusters (40kg/25kg)
  • 1 min AMRAP Pull-up’s
  • 1 min AMRAP HSPU’s (scale to piked or push-ups or ladies as required)
  • 1 min AMRAP Wall Ball’s (9.1kg/6.3kg)
  • 1 min AMRAP KB swing (24kg/16kg)


*There is no rest – as soon as you complete Round 1 move onto Round 2 etc. There is no rest between transitions either. Scribe score and move on. For a good score transition quickly.


Score = Total Reps


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch