If you missed Wednesday and Thursday, then Complete the CrossFit Total today.
If you missed Wednesday but completed the CrossFit Total yesterday, then complete “Zeus” today.
If you completed both benchmarks then please complete WOD (C) today!
1) Take 40 min to find your CrossFit Total. Complete in the following order with as many attempts in the set period.
a) Find your 1 RM Back Squat
b) Find your 1 RM Strict Press
c) Find your 1 RM Deadlift
Warm-up Example…
5 on 40-50% 1RM
3 on 60% 1RM
1 on 75% 1RM
1 on 85% 1RM
Score = a) 1RM for Back Squat, Strict Press and Deadlift
Score = b) CrossFit Total (Sum of highest scores on each)
Scaling – Beginners will find their heavy triple for Back Squat, Strict Press and Deadlift on the 3 above
2) If you missed The Benchmark workout “Zeus” on Wednesday or Thursday, please complete today…
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wall ball shots, (20 lb/ 14 lb)
30 Sumo deadlift high-pull (75 / 45 i.e. 34kg /20kg)
30 Box jump, (51 cm)
30 Push press (75 / 45 i.e. 34kg /20kg)
Row 30 calories (OR 40 SDHP 20 kg/13 kg)
30 Push-ups
10 Back squat (Body weight)
Score = Time or Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Time Cap = 30 min
2) Work on your Mobility issues for 10 min – coaches to direct you specifically
WOD (C) – For those who have completed both “Zeus” and the “CrossFit Total” please complete the following:
1) Complete the following Clean & Jerk Complex for 5 repeats:
1 Clean Segment Pull (Pause at 2,5 cm, knee, hip, finish); 1 High Hang Clean; 1 Hang Clean (knees); 1 Push Jerk (floor); 1 Split JerkĀ
I.e. 5-5-5-5-5 (70% 1RM Clean & Push Jerk)
2) Complete the following for time:
21 Pistols with a 20 kg BB plate and a 16 kg BB plate
15 Clean & Jerk (75 kg/45 kg)
9 Muscle-up’s
Time Cap = 8 min
Score = Time or Time Cap plus 1 sec/rep missed
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – Watch “Froning, The Fittest Man in History” at the ArcLight Cinemas in El Segundo, California, at 6 p.m. PT. See the following link for more details: http://bit.ly/FroningFittestinHistoryPremiere (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.)