1) Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 at 75% 1RM (Leave every 90 sec’s)
2) Complete the following :
12 min AMRAP:
Min 0 – 1: AMRAP Power Snatch (70 kg / 49 kg or 60% 1RM Snatch)
Min 1 – 2: AMRAP Snatch (70 kg / 49 kg or 60% 1RM Snatch)
Min 2 – 4: AMRAP Power Snatch (70 kg / 49 kg or 60% 1RM Snatch)
Min 4 – 6: AMRAP Snatch (70 kg / 49 kg or 60% 1RM Snatch)
Min 6 – 9: AMRAP Power Snatch (70 kg / 49 kg or 60% 1RM Snatch)
Min 9 – 12: AMRAP Snatch (70 kg / 49 kg or 60% 1RM Snatch)
Score = Total Reps / Total Reps for Power Snatch and Snatch
Reduce the loading
Snatch – Power Snatch and OHS if need to focus on positioning
Score = Time
3) With the remaining time practice HS holds/HS at the wall/HS with an elastic jacket/Piked HS hold/Headstand hold/Tripod hold
Score = Max Hold Time
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
Featured Image – From The Open, to the Masters Qualifiers, and now to the Reebok CrossFit Games! What an achievement for Eva rom our sister box Algoa CrossFit! Best of luck for tomorrow through Thursday! We are all behind you!