Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


Complete either the FiCT Qualifier or the RXit WOW 1 whichever you need to…

Class does the FiCT Qualifier if you are not enrolled for either!


1) FiCT Qualifier (

15.1a “Thrust in yourself”, 6min AMRAP:

6 Thrusters (35/25kg)

6 Toes To Bar


Straight into:


15.1b – 3 min to Establish:

1RM Snatch




WOW 1.1 – 4min AMRAP (see details at –


The competitor will have 4 minutes to complete as many REPS as possible.


Prescribed levels the workout can be completed on:


Rx: 10 Wall Balls (20 / 14 lbs), 10 Box Jumps (30″ / 24″)

L1: 10 Wall Balls (20 / 14 lbs), 10 Box Jumps (24″ / 20″)

L2: 10 Wall Balls (14 / 10 lbs), 10 Box Jumps (20″ / 16″)

L3: 10 Wall Balls (14 / 10 lbs), 10 Box Jumps (16″ / 12″)



1min Transition


WOW 1.2 – 10min AMRAP


The competitor will have 10 minutes to complete as many REPS as possible of an increasing ladder of reps.


Prescribed levels the workout can be completed on:

Rx: Bar Muscle Up, Thruster (60kg / 40kg), Over The Bar Burpee

L1: Chest To Bar, Thruster (50kg / 30kg), Over The Bar Burpee

L2: Pull Up, Thruster (35kg / 20kg), Over The Bar Burpee

L3: Ring Row, Thruster (20kg / 15kg), Over The Bar Burpee





2) Back Squat Con:

Complete 20 reps on of 50% 1RM 

Rest 1 min

Complete 15 reps on 55% of 1RM 

Rest 1 min

Complete 10 Reps on 60% of 1RM 


Score = Time (including rest)


Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch


Featured Image – AFL WOM Nov was released on Saturday. AFL WOM 15.3A – find your 1RM Snatch (5 min cap)